I would like to feed 1 child fresh bread for 2 weeks ($25 USD)


May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity: For some children, acquiring the fuel, utensils and skills to cook their own food is a challenge. That’s why we have opened 3 FREE public bakery locations across Yemen. We wanted to go a step further, to actually prepare the food. We know the people and we know the situation. With this donation, you can provide joy to a child who is already struggling to make ends meet, to not have to cook, and instead enjoy a warm, nutritious bread for herself.



May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity: For some children, acquiring the fuel, utensils and skills to cook their own food is a challenge. That’s why we have opened 3 FREE public bakery locations across Yemen. We wanted to go a step further, to actually prepare the food. We know the people and we know the situation. With this donation, you can provide joy to a child who is already struggling to make ends meet, to not have to cook, and instead enjoy a warm, nutritious bread for herself.


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